Why you need to know GetSwift quick smart!

It is not often that Australia produces a company with prospects of a worldwide audience but in GetSwift Ltd (ASX:GSW) we might just have one.

Well I never thought I would be excited by a company run by an ex-footballer but it has happened!

Former Brisbane and Melbourne AFL player Joel Macdonald in my opinion may well control one of the most exciting stocks on the ASX if not globally at this very moment.

I was not surprise to learn in the company’s recent capital raising that overseas investors were not only keeping a close eye on his company but were also prepared to invest substantial cash into the idea.

So what is GetSwift and why do I like it so much?

You would have to have been living under a rock not to have heard about Amazon’s upcoming arrival in Australia, along with the dire predictions for the Australian retail sector when the US giant hits our shores.

What is particularly worrying for Australian retailers is Amazon’s ability to deliver quickly and cheaply. This means for Aussie retailers to survive, they will need to be able to match such a service.

Through adversity comes opportunity

In a nutshell GetSwift provides retailers with software that manages dispatch and delivery services to their customers.

The company’s slogan might give you an idea of why I am excited by GetSwift’s prospects.

“Dispatch like Uber, track like Dominos, set routes like FedEx”

Chairman Bane Hunter describes GetSwift’s advantage in this manner.

“GetSwift is a cost effective way of tackling the threat from Amazon, Foodora, UberEats, Deliveroo and other global technology companies attempting to capture this space, and charge retailers a significant premium for the benefit of what is becoming an expected service,”

But it isn’t just large retailers that can benefit from GetSwift’s software. Small shop front retailers will benefit from delivery drivers with excess capacity who can log in and pick up jobs from GetSwift’s platform similar to the way UberEats functions.

In theory this means any corner store could start to compete with Amazon on delivery times at a cost effective price!

Do you have an opinion on GetSwift or how Amazon will change retail in Australia?

I would love to hear it!

Please join me on my new forum. Just click here.


Please Note: None of the above should be considered investment advice. These are my own opinions based on a number of years market experience. Please do your own research and consult a qualified financial advisor if you wish to invest.

Please note.

There have been some lies spread around the internet that this page was removed because of Getswift’s fall from grace. This is far from the truth, a few pages were switched off a while back including the famous George Costanza (reverse thing) page 🙂 because they were causing the website to slow. With an upgrade in hosting plans and updates in the forum software I am now able to switch all pages back on. I find it strange that such lies were spread when my second article on GetSwift has remained up on the site since it was written back in 2017 plus Get-Swift is far from my worst performer. Anyway haters gonna hate as they say. If anyone has concerns please feel free to contact me directly at cthgpro@gmail.com.

Author: Alonzo

Please note this is a not for profit site, any google advertising revenue is used to offset partial costs for hosting the site. I monitor and run the site by myself if you have any concerns I can be contacted at cthgpro@gmail.com. Please note this  email only checked intermittently.Please note: Nothing on this site is financial advise. Please do not use anything on this site without permission of cthgpro.com all images on the site are believed to be free for use. If you are the owner and would like any image removed please contact us we are more than happy to support your wishes.

4 thoughts on “Why you need to know GetSwift quick smart!”

  1. Great article I wish I could get into small caps as quickly as you do. Keep up the good work, I need more ideas. Thanks

  2. Update: Yesterday was a red flag for me.
    The company announced an executive director (who is also the CIO) but not in the announcement resigned. A technology company with no CIO going into a billion transaction contract is a real worry IMO. I reduced my exposure while we see this play out.

    Please note NOT!! investment advice just my opinion.

  3. Just writing an update here.
    With GSW going through its problems with the ASX. I just want to let everyone know I will write and update on my thoughts once all information hits the market.
    Presently it looks like GSW management has a lot of explaining to do and at the very least a lot of work needs to be done on their compliance problems.

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